Chairman speech Corner

The road to peace - Global environmental system design theory 1 (building an autonomous decentralized control society)

paper author

Chairman of the World NGO Peace Ambassadors Council

Chairman of the Japan-Korea Tunnel Promotion Nagasaki Council

Katsuyuki Kawaguchi


Career: Completed master's program in mechanical engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo. He is a doctor of engineering.

After working at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Design and Research and Development Department, and French National Jet Engine Research and Development Corporation, SNECMA (French government technical researcher), became a professor at Nagasaki University. He is a professor at Nagasaki University of Science and Technology. He is also active in NGO activities, including serving as the executive committee chairman for African school construction support activities for 15 years.

His major publications include ``Global Environmental System Design Theory'' and ``Research on the Expression of Human Inner Sensibilities.'' Over 100 patent applications registered.




The Pope strongly criticized the current economic system in countries such as the United States and Japan, which is driven by profit-oriented policies and environmental destruction, and warned that ``those with political and economic power are trying to cover up this problem.'' The historical era of "collecting" is about to end. Throughout history, when collecting comes to a dead end, a battle between land and sea ensues. The Japan-Korea Tunnel is a bridge between these ``land countries'' and ``sea countries.''


The heartland of the Eurasian continent (from the Siberian plains south to Iran and Europe) is the last ``economic frontier'' on the finite surface of the earth, and it is said that those who control the heartland will control the world. The collaborative construction of a distributed energy society based on the <Global Environmental Design Theory> described below will greatly build trust and friendship on the Eurasian continent. Instead of a "battle between land and sea," we will create a path of trust and economic peace between land and sea. Now is the time to move forward with the future-oriented Japan-Korea Tunnel and the Northern Energy Road Initiative, and the core of this is for both countries to improve themselves and build a friendly relationship.


Connecting the mainland and Kyushu via the Japan-Korea tunnel through the East Asia Intelligent Power Network (an energy management system that distributes power from distributed energy in each country). The most promising option is to generate and transmit electricity from wind power in the Gobi desert in southern Mongolia. Japan's electricity rates, which are the highest in the world, will be lower than those in the United States, solving the CO2 problem and maintaining economic growth and employment as part of the nation's 100-year plan. Through the Japan-Korea tunnel, various plans for the future become visible. I will consider this using a new "way of looking at things", intelligent design theory (optimal design).


*This summary was given at the Japan-Korea Tunnel Realization Kyushu Liaison Council (December 2015). Each chapter and section of the text is designed to complete the thesis. We would be very happy if many people could consider this and let us know their thoughts.


1. Introduction “About how to see things”

1.1 “Are preconceptions and fixed ideas good or bad?”


When I was young, when I was training at SNECMA (National Aero Engine Development and Research Company) as a gas turbine researcher for the French government, I was asked on the French university entrance exam (Baccalaureate), ``Preconceptions or fixed ideas are good things.'' I once heard that each person spends 1.5 hours on the task of ``Is this a problem? Explain with an example.''


At that time, I didn't have any "experiential learning" in the "education world," but I intuitively felt that Japan could never compete with "this country's educational philosophy and policy for training people." I felt that.

I have entered the final phase of my life, and have accumulated "experiential learning" at corporate entities (domestic and overseas), national universities, private graduate schools, and NGO activities around the world, but I am faced with a huge problem. For example, when reforming a ``centralized society'' to an ``autonomous decentralized control society'' (in which the brain's information processing system is autonomous decentralized control), the issue of notation always comes to mind. In other words, ``sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, so it's difficult to make a decision.'' If you break down the issues and decide, in the end, which one of Japan's ``Yaoyorozu Gods'' would you choose, you will be less likely to make mistakes. I decided to think about it.


This kind of problem-solving method is called "intelligent design (optimal design theory)" in terms of "complex adaptive systems," and it is a "common solution" to all problems, and is currently not available. , seems to be the most advanced "methodology".


Takao Yamada quotes Tolstoy in ``Fuchigusa'' and says:


``If you have a blank slate in your head, you can explain difficult problems to others.However, even if you are an intelligent person, there is a fixed idea or preconception in your mind that ``I know everything without a doubt.'' In some cases, even simple facts cannot be conveyed."


In other words, ``ignorance'' is a state in which one's head is so full of ``knowledge'' that there is no room for accepting new ``perceptions.'' Many experts are like this.

Until now, policy-making has been in the hands of bureaucrats, politicians, and experts under the guise of democracy. After the Great East Japan Earthquake and the resulting nuclear meltdown, there has never been a time when the "knowledge" of experts has been questioned, as in the STAP cell scandal. The erratic behavior of experts after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant was enough to leave people disappointed and mistrustful, and problems with the approach to research and development conducted solely by experts have also come to light.


As Queen Elizabeth pointed out, why couldn't prominent academics, the government, and the "wise men" in the American financial world predict the "great economic crisis" of 2008?

Furthermore, the reckless mega-project of the new National Stadium, with no consideration given to cost design and technology, and the abolitionist approach of liberal arts universities stem from the ``constitution'' of the political-bureaucratic community.From the Sino-Japanese War to the Pacific Isn't this the very history of Japan's irresponsible system, which ignored history and went down the wrong path in the war? Examples of successful mega-projects led by the government include the privatization of the Japanese National Railways (supported by Keidanren chairman at the time, Toshio Domitsu), as well as the Resort Act, which was a public project that exceeded the local capacity. Yes, there are no examples of success.


This is what ministries always do. They don't know the methodology (know-how) to develop "new things." Decisions are made at a meeting of experts. They do not "realize" that the expert meeting complicates the problem. They lack imagination and creativity.


Participation of "ordinary people", that is, "collective knowledge, collection of bodily knowledge, synchronicity with others, synchronicity of groups" (Refer to "How to see things" I, II, III, Katsuyuki Kawaguchi, World Peace Professor Academy) This is because there is no "Collective knowledge" refers to the "knowledge possessed by a collection of biological systems," and when creating something new, it can be translated into intelligent design (optimal design).

In other words, the design philosophy of ``Simple is Best'' (there is beauty, the cost is minimal, the number of parts is small, so the life is long and the operation and maintenance costs are low), the customer's requirements, safety and ``Cost'' appears as a symbol of efficiency, lifespan, aging of materials, number of parts, operation and maintenance costs, and multiple protection costs.
Therefore, the designer knows exactly what will break. For the design of the National Stadium, we selected a design that is simply large and in harmony with nature, without coexistence, and with no sense of cost. I don't really understand what intelligent design is. This is the real world ability value. Intelligent design (optimal design) is synonymous with "God's creation."


In order to maintain the eternity of "life," there is a method of periodically reproducing the exact same thing, even if only partially. Living things periodically create children that look just like themselves, trying to preserve their ``self-likeness'' forever.

Biological systems use this method to reproduce genetic information through reproductive cells and to transmit the morphology of somatic cells forever. It periodically creates children that look just like itself, and then returns to the earth. Life has spent 3.5 billion years creating this system, but nothing is as certain as this. Moreover, this is where the spirit of ``mono no aware'' is born.

Why was the wooden Itsukushima Shrine able to stand on the sea for 1,000 years?


Regarding the embodiment of ``eternity,'' which can be called the intersection of religion, literature, social science, science, technology, and art, it is necessary to consider the following ideas in design. In other words, the system is designed by combining parts that are designed to be durable so as not to break and parts that can be predicted to break, and the safety of important parts is maintained by the protective action of these parts. Rather, the design technology is such that some parts of the structure are designed to be easily broken, and if they break, they are replaced, thereby protecting the most important part of the shrine building. This is the essence of intelligent design (optimal design) (see "Research on the Expression of Human Inner Sensibilities", Katsuyuki Kawaguchi, Creative Design Society).

Hisayoshi Watanabe, a professor emeritus at Kyoto University, was the first person to take up intelligent design theory academically and introduce it to Japan, and he quoted Michael J. Behe ​​as follows: Explaining.


``The composition and arrangement of parts (components) with a certain purpose is intelligent design.'' As shown in the diagram, this brings about ``God's creation.''




Left: Ome shell showing natural logarithmic helix
Right: Artificial logarithmic helix

Figure 1・1 The mystery of morphogenesis in nature, which can be called the limit of order (Kaneko 1989)



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Figures 1 and 2 Single-celled algae with flagella
Even in the ultra-miniaturized world, each function is condensed and the pattern of the entire system is included.
Movement and rotation are also possible through the organized movement of flagella. (Hildebrandt 1994)


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  • The road to peace: Establishing a global environmental system...

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