Foundation overview

1st period business plan (1981-1990)

1981 November Reverend Myung Moon advocated the International Highway Initiative (10th ICUS, Seoul, South Korea)
1982 AprilEstablishment of International Highway Construction Corporation (Chairman Osumi Kuboki)

Start of first surface exploration in June

October - Drilling begins on the land area of ​​Higashimatsuura Peninsula (Yobuko Town, 500m)
  First sonic exploration begins in the area where the Japan-Korea Tunnel is assumed
  Launching of the First Itsuyasu Maru (52t)

1983 MarchLaunch of the Second Joan Maru (10t)

May : Japan-Korea Tunnel Study Group founding meeting (Chairman: Yasuo Sasa)

July Japan -Korea Tunnel Research Society Kyushu Branch Establishment General Meeting (Branch Chief: Genkiyo Takada)

August : Start of second sonic exploration in the Japan-Korea tunnel sea area

September: Start of onshore electrical exploration and simple elastic wave exploration (Chinzei Town, Saga Prefecture)

October - Start of environmental investigation of the proposed Japan-Korea tunnel area -
  Launch of No. 3 Teian Maru (160t) (equipped with water gun system) -
  Start of diagonal boring (Chinzei Town, Saga Prefecture, 700m)

Purchase of research aircraft (6-seater Cessna) in November

Start of land gravity exploration in December

1984 AprilStart of 3rd sonic exploration in Japan-Korea tunnel sea area (Iki, east offshore)

May : Start of the 4th sonic exploration in the Japan-Korea tunnel sea area (Tsushima/northwest sea area)

June Iki land bowling begins (near Sumiyoshi Shrine, 400m)

Tsushima track and field bowling begins in July

Magnetic exploration of the Japan-Korea Tunnel sea area begins in August

Tsushima track and field bowling begins in September

October Start of second surface exploration (Northern part of Tsushima)
  Start of land boring in Iki (Yawataura, 400m)
  Start of land boring in Tsushima (Aren, 500m)

in December (Himigawa, 400m)

1985 JanuaryStart of Iki land bowling (Chojahara, 400m)

March: Installation of microseismograph (Tsushima)

April: Start of land bowling in Iki (Tsutsujo, 400m)

 Start of Tsushima land bowling (Mametsu Naiin, 630m)

Start of land bowling in Iki in July

August - Japan-Korea Tunnel Sea Area - Lessing begins in the first stage

in October (Skyshot, 423m)

1986 JanuaryStart of Iki land bowling (Shinshiro Nishi-Taku, 400m)

Tsushima track and field bowling begins in February

March Aso Bay environmental survey begins (Tsushima)

April Higashi Matsuura Peninsula track and field bowling begins (Saga Prefecture, Chinzei Town, 200m)

 Start of ocean boring (Tsushima/west sea area, 500m)

July - Japan-Korea tunnel sea area - Lessing begins in the second stage

August : Start of the first Nagoyaura environmental survey (Yobuko Town, Saga Prefecture)

 Start of Tsushima land bowling (Minecho, 400m)

September: Start of diagonal boring on Katara Island (320m)

 Start of sea survey (between Iki and Higashimatsuura Peninsula, 27km)

October : Groundbreaking ceremony for Japan-Korea Tunnel Survey Incline (Chinzei Town, Saga Prefecture)
  Start of land boring in Tsushima (Nita, 500m)
  Korea International Highway Study Group established (Chairman Yun Se-won)
  Korea International Highway Study Group Busan Branch established (Branch) Long Takakanzui)

1987 JanuaryHigashimatsuura Peninsula track and field bowling begins (Saga Prefecture, Genkai Town, 202m)

February: Start of the second Nagoyaura environmental survey (Yobuko Town, Saga Prefecture)

April Nagoya Weather Observatory established (Chinzei Town, Saga Prefecture)

 Higashimatsuura Peninsula track and field bowling begins (Saga Prefecture, Ogawa Town, 460m)

May: Start of the 5th sonic survey in the area where the Japan-Korea tunnel is assumed (Tsushima/northwest area)

 Start of Iki land bowling (Ashibe Town, 500m)

Start of fishing survey in August

in November (inside the Japan-Korea tunnel survey diagonal shaft, 423m)

1988 AprilHigashimatsuura Peninsula track and field bowling begins (Saga Prefecture, Chinzei Town, 130m)

May Higashi Matsuura Peninsula track and field bowling begins (Saga Prefecture, Chinzei Town 150m)

First visit to China by International Highway Construction Corporation delegation in July

 Japan-Korea Tunnel Survey Diagonal - Start of second phase construction (Chinzei Town, Saga Prefecture)

Start of fishing survey in September

October: Groundbreaking ceremony for geological survey on Geoje Island, South Korea (Sangyo-ri, Geoje-gun)

 Start of track and field bowling in Korea (Samgeori, Geoje-gun, 400m)
  Start of track and field bowling in South Korea (Juksari, Geoje-gun, 400m)
  Start of track and field bowling in South Korea (Janggi-ri, Geoje-gun, 300m)

Start of land bowling in Korea in November

Start of land bowling in Korea in December

 Start of land bowling in Korea (Buchun-ri, Geoje-gun, 332m)

1989 MaySecond visit to China by the International Highway Construction Corporation delegation (Beijing-Shenyang-Dandong)

July : Groundbreaking ceremony for the Japan-Korea Tunnel Tsushima Survey Incline (Izuhara Town)

 Start of diagonal boring of the same shaft (diagonal shaft entrance, 200m)

September Japan-Korea-China-Tokyo International Conference (co-hosted by ISC and IHCC)

November Japan-Korea Joint Report Meeting on the Japan-Korea Tunnel (Seoul, South Korea)

1990 AprilAnnouncing the International Highway Project at the 11th World Congress of Speakers (Moscow)

Second visit to China by International Highway Construction Corporation delegation in July

August - Japan-Korea tunnel survey, diagonal shaft and diagonal boring started (Saga Prefecture, Chinzei Town)

10th ICUS (Korea)

First ground survey

land bowling

10th ICUS (Korea)

First ground survey

land bowling

*The period from the 1990s to the early 2000s was positioned as a time to attempt a more specific project approach from a general and comprehensive perspective based on research materials, etc., and various promotions and promotions were conducted domestically and internationally. We have been working hard to raise awareness. Based on these results, we are currently formulating the second business plan while continuing to study further.

Notice of business succession

Since its proposal in 1981, this project has been carried out under the direction and supervision of the International Highway Construction Corporation, but in January 2009, a new general incorporated foundation, the International Highway Foundation, took over the project.

  • Foundation overview


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